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Artifact Markers Artifact Markers

Encapsulated 2mm lead ball, used to mark nipple, lesion, scar, artifact, etc.
Self-adhesive backing
100 Markers mounted on ten convenient strips

Discount Price: $71.00
Skin Dot Markers - 1.5mm Skin Dot Markers - 1.5mm

Skin Dot Markers - 1.5mm
In general imaging these markers are used to mark prominent nipples for identification of nipple shadows on chest x-rays.
In mammography, these markers are used to identify masses, or prominent nipples.
100 markers per box

Discount Price: $148.00
Skin Dot Markers - 2.0mm Skin Dot Markers - 2.0mm

Skin dots 2.0mm for digital mammography
Compatible with both analog and digital mammography. These radiopaque skin markers allow for clear nipple identification without distracting artifacts. These are NOT mri safe.
100 markers per box.

Discount Price: $148.00
Skin Line Markers - 1.0mm Skin Line Markers - 1.0mm

Skin Line Markers - 1.0mm.
These markers are used to identify scars on the skin. These markers are compatible with both analog and digital technologies. This flexible marker is easy to place on the scar to help reduce confusion during imaging. These are NOT mri safe.
100 markers per box.

Discount Price: $149.00
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Mammography Skin Mole Markers [2D/3D] Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Mammography Skin Mole Markers [2D/3D]

Mole markers are designed to identify raised moles and other skin nevi without interfering with imaging. Works with both analog and digital technologies. Our radiolucent dual density rings have a no burnout feature making them perfect for MLO exams as well as dense breast tissue to accurately communicate moles as skin features rather than potential masses or calcification's. 1/2" inner diameter.
100 per box

Discount Price: $150.00
CT Non-Metallic Localization Skin Markers 2.3 mm BB CT Non-Metallic Localization Skin Markers 2.3 mm BB

Non-Metallic Skin Markers for CT. 2.3mm BB appears bright white on the image with minimal artifact to properly communicate an area of interest or concern to the Radiologist. Perfect for marking soft tissue masses. These markers are Artifact - Free and 100% Latex-Free. These are NOT mri safe.

50 markers per box

Discount Price: $186.00
Skin Arrow Markers Skin Arrow Markers

Skin Arrow (Rad/Oncology) 7.0mm
In general imaging these markers are used to identify areas of pain or trauma, soft tissue masses and to document points of entry and exit sites. These are NOT mri safe.
In mammography, these markers are used to identify palpable masses.
100 per box Lead-Free

Discount Price: $221.00
Skin Dot Markers - 3.0mm Skin Dot Markers - 3.0mm

Skin Dot Markers - 3.0mm
In general imaging and for radiation oncology, these markers are used to identify areas of pain or trauma, soft tissue masses, to document points of entry and exit sites or mark prominent nipples for identification of nipple shadows on chest x-rays. These are NOT mri safe.
In mammography, these markers are used to identify masses, or prominent nipples.
Two size BB markers are often used in imaging to distinguish between prominant nipples and a palpable mass on the same patient. (as seen in attached image).
50 per box

Discount Price: $277.00
Multi-Modality Skin Marker for CT/MRI Specialty CT & MRI Skin Marker

Multi-Modality markers are bright objects on CT and MRI scans and can be seen on all MRI sequences. 15mm outer diameter and 3.5mm thick. Also perfect for Mammography and Diagnostic Radiology Procedures.
Package: 50 markers.
MRI Safe

Discount Price: $353.00