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Digital Marker Set with initials
Digital Marker Set
Discount Price: $58.00

Product Code: DIP004

(2 OR 3 Characters)

Allow 5-7 business days for manufacture of markers with initials. Make accurate comparisons between life-size (what you see) and image-size (what you get). The personalized R&L marker sets with the 3cm ruler are specifically designed for Teleradiology, CR and DR imaging where the image size does not always match the life-size anatomy.
Place a marker on the CR or DR Plate and capture the radiographed anatomy. The image of the unique 3cm ruler gives an immediate visual and measurable cue as to the size of the screen image compared to the life size anatomy.
Each marker is color coded Red for Right and Blue for Left. Uses High Density Lead Letters. R&L are 3/4" and 2-3 initials are 1/4". Since this item is personalized with initials, it is non-returnable.